What's New
"Devastating, but--if
this makes any sense--
in a good way."
-Esther Friesner
"Excellent one-man show. This musical transported to Germany in the 30s. I recommended it to four friends who all loved it. "
— R.R.
Theatre Extras
"Palmer delivers a heart-felt nuanced performance that illuminates
the tragedy in haunting
-Patrick Christiano
Theater Life
"Chanteuse is a profoundly disturbing, impactful,
and personal view of one of the darkest times in
human history – a
time that must always be remembered,
no matter how painful, to ensure
that it never happens again.
Kudos to Alan Palmer for
keeping those memories of
the LGBTQ+ community
alive and resonating
“Awe inspiring! completely moving!”
-San Francisco Queer Solo
"A must see. Alan Palmer and the whole team have created a world that brings the Holocaust into a very personal journey
that, quite frankly, I never considered
on such a
one-on-one level.
Compelling and heart
Go. See. It."
-Sue Howell
Richmond News
"Palmer wrote the show’s factually detailed
and narratively forceful book which
concisely dramatizes this not often
chronicled chapter of the Holocaust.
Palmer’s witty and stinging
lyrics combined with composer
David Legg’s enchanting music
yield a pleasing and
authentic Weimer-esque
“The applause was not for the experience we had all just shared. The applause was not for the message we were
processing. The applause was
for the messenger, and the
brilliant and unpretentious
way he delivered
that harsh
-Julinda D. Lewis
RVArt Review
Alan Palmer commands the stageh and makes the character come alive.
-Mark Savitt
Hi! Drama

"Chanteuse at RTP is a must see. Alan Palmer and the whole team have created a world that brings the Holocaust into a very personal journey that, quite frankly, I never considered on such a one on one level. Compelling and heart wrenching. Go. See. It."
-Sue Howells
“Awe inspiring! completely moving!”
-San Francisco Queer Solo